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  • National Parks of Kamchatka

              Kamchatka is a wonderful region, distant from all over Russia and has its own special charm. More than 26% of the total area of Kamchatka occupy nature reserves.
              The largest and most well known is the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, which is located on the east coast of the peninsula. In addition, Kronotsky is the oldest nature reserve in Kamchatka. Here you can see all the variety of landscapes — from coastal tundra to the volcanic glaciers. The most interesting object is a natural composition of the 16 volcanoes that surround the lake Kronotskoye like a graceful curve. By the way, some of them are still active. Kronotsky hill (hight 3,528 m) is the second highest volcano in Kamchatka after Kluchevskaya hill. Here, in the Kronotsky reserve located the famous Valley of Geysers, which is open for access only to organized tourists groups. Here are equipped with special trails with wooden flooring, from which there is excellent views of the smokestack geysers and springs. All geysers are completely different and unique. For example, geyser Sakharnyi is similar in form to the big lily, and the Triple has a gray-brown geyserite and three griffins. It collected more than 600 protected plant species, 37 species, 212 bird species. Here is the world's only grove of fir graceful.
               If you go to the Valley of Geysers, you will see another protected natural object — a caldera of volcano Uzon. This is a huge cavity measuring 9 by 12 miles, which was formed on the ruins of the volcano. There are several lakes in the caldera. Warmest and never freezing lake — Fumarolnoe, Lake Utinoe is famous for its sulfur beach and in the waters of Lake Bannoe is always a stable temperature of + 40 C.

                Valley of Geysers and caldera Uzon are unique natural objects that have no analogues in the world. You can get here only in two ways: either fly by helicopter or to do a three-day hiking trip. Yes, a visit here costs a lot, but this place is so unusual and surprising that a trip here is a right choice.
                Another famous and beautiful place is a natural park Nalychevo. It was created relatively recently — in 1995, and a year after it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Now the park is the most popular place among tourists in Kamchatka. There are a large number of hot and cold mineral springs with medicinal properties. Itelmens, the indigenous population of Kamchatka know a legend, which states that a person who enters into the water of hot springs Nalychevo, will gain eternal youth, health and beauty.
    Here are popular not only hiking, but also horse riding. On horseback, you will travel the most scenic spots of Nalychevo Park, pass the overgrown paths, inaccessible on foot traveler. 
                Here are situated Talovskie springs. In one of the springs the water always has a temperature of 38 C and high salinity. As a result of sedimentation on the slope of a hill formed the «toe» of the deposits of bright red color. An incredible sight, especially in conjunction with the emerald green trees.
                The largest protected area of the Kamchatka Peninsula is a natural park Bystrinsky, which is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you will find an unusual landscape of the Mid-ridge, dense taiga with bears, hot springs and more than 10 volcanoes, some of which are active.
                Only here, in Bystrinsky park, live indigenous peoples of Kamchatka — itelmens, evens, koryaks. In the village Esso located an interesting ethnographic museum, showing the objects of culture and life of local residents.
    There are unique environmental routes through Bistrinsky park, for example, climbing a volcano, horseback riding tours through alpine meadows, and swimming in cold mountain lakes. There are a large number of different holidays in the park,. One of the most interesting is the traditional Beringia, dog sled race, which takes place in march. In June celebrate the Day of the first fish and in August is the Day of the aboriginal.

               A special area is the Commander Islands, which are part of Commander's National Nature Reserve. You can get here only by plane and you can expect the departure a week long — is depends on the weather. However, if you get here, you will meet with surprising beauty. There are about 12 species of protected animals (such as eared seals), 150 species of birds and 383 species of rare plants on the islands. 
              The main inhabitants of the Commander are northern fur seals. In the south, inhabited a small herd of reindeer. And the most funny of the islanders is the blue fox, curious creatures. If you give it something tasty, it will go after you, trying to sneak anything else. Therefore be especially careful on the Commander Islands!
    And, of course, you should visit the «pearl» of Kamchatka — Kuril lake, located in the South Kamchatka Sanctuary. It is the same as the Valley of Geysers, not easily enough: you can get here by helicopter. Kuril lake is one of the largest salmon spawning grounds, so here you can often see brown bears, waiting on the shore of their prey. There are special towers here from which you will observe wildlife in their natural habitat. 
              Indelible impression produce the island of Kuril Lake. For example, the island Alaid is of pink stone, resembling the heart, and is the home for colonies of gulls.

    Valley of Geysers, volcanic glaciers, Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, UNESCO World Heritage List, caldera of volcano Uzon, Beringia, Talovskie springs, park Nalychevo, village Esso, Commander Islands

    03.03.2011, 8781 просмотр.

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